Synopsis: Harriet Beckwith embarks on a harrowing journey from war-ravaged Virginia to the untamed lands of Ohio, seeking solace on a homestead left behind by her late husband. Alongside her three children, the road west proves treacherous as they confront killers and thieves, testing the limits of their strength and determination. Tragedy strikes when her children fall victim to violence, unleashing a torrent of overwhelming sorrow and anger within Harriet. Fueled by a newfound purpose, Harriet forms an alliance with a group of outlaw misfits, forging an unconventional army to wage war against the formidable men who seek to destroy her. "DOGWOOD" is a tale of survival, revenge, and the enduring strength of a mother's love as Harriet confronts the darkest depths of human nature to protect what is rightfully hers.
Directed by D.K. Renée
Starring Al Snow, Ruby Singleton, Amy Zubieta
"The Agency" is a fast-paced comedic look at the world of the entertainment industry in Los Angeles through the eyes of a talent agency intern, Lauren. Lauren is unique due to a peculiar trait that causes her to "lose time" at random moments throughout the day. During these brief periods of altered states, she envisions different worlds and exciting situations that help solve her problems in the real world. "The Agency" is "The Office" meets "Entourage" at the core of a busy Talent Agency from Los Angeles, where anything can happen and anybody can show up bringing a whole new set of unexpected situations.
Directed, Written, Produced by Dianna Renée
Starring Sally Kirkland, Dianna Renée, Scott Lunsford, Mary Bonner Baker, Michael Masini, Mario Diaz, Eve Schwartz, Kristen Alaniz, Keye Chen, Chris Turner, Dave Mays, J. B. Welch, Carlos Soto, Garret Montoya.
Tagline: A lousy shooter finds his secret sauce.
Synopsis: In a world of sharpshooters, a bumbling marksman stumbles upon a game-changer leading to an out of this world formula for victory.
Directed, Written, Produced by D.K. Renée
Starring Ethan Camarana
My obsession with sci-fi and Westerns as well as Ethan's willingness to answer a call to adventure lead to this fun little film. Directing, writing, producing, shooting, editing and completing all VFX as literally a one person crew was awesome, no other way to describe it. I hope viewers enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed making this one minute epic.
Logline: Stranded in nature, three former friends who hate each other have been brought together by a childhood bestie who postmortemly tricks them into scavenger hunting their way back home and to each other.
Synopsis: Meggie, the glue of her former girl crew, passes away leaving behind one dying wish, to reunite her friends - who hate each other. Tricking April, Dakota, and Paris into attending her “will reading”, Meggie masterminds a forced scavenger hunt they must complete while stranded in the middle of a national park. Will the women tear each other apart or find a way to work together and end this nightmare out in the sticks?
Directed by D.K. Renée
Starring Alikona Shizue Bradford, Amy Zubieta, Genevieve Fekson and Cuyapi Scott-Jacobson